EFT Tapping Therapy Cardiff
Are you feeling stressed, anxious or overwhelmed?
Are your emotions running away with you?
Do you have chronic pain or health issues that the doctors can’t explain?
Looking for an EFT practitioner in Cardiff?
EFT Practitioner Cardiff & Online
Hello, my name is Stefan and I’m a holistic coach, EFT Advanced Practitioner, HeartMath Practitioner and Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner based in Cardiff, south Wales.
I help people with a range of physical, mental and emotional issues take back control of their health and wellbeing.
Most people recognise that stress can affect their health, leading to complaints such as stomach ulcers and high blood pressure. But there is a growing body of evidence that points to stress as a key factor in a majority of illnesses. In EFT we seek to resolve stress and trauma, thereby allowing the body to heal.
Coaching sessions are available in-person at my practice near Cardiff or online via video calls.
Working online via video calls is as effective as working in-person, and has many further benefits:
- Being in the comfort of your own home or other suitable venue
- Eliminates travel costs, time and inconvenience
- Time to integrate the EFT after the session rather than rushing off to catch public transport or drive home
- It’s just as effective as an in-person session
Please contact me for further details.
What Is EFT?
EFT – also known as Emotional Freedom Techniques or “tapping” – is a simple technique that helps the client release negative memories, emotions and feelings from the past and present, thereby lifting the burden of stress from the mind and body.
EFT therapy is based on a combination of ancient Chinese medicine and modern psychology. By gently tapping on acupressure points on various parts the body, while focussing on a problem – be that physical, mental or emotional – the body is able to rebalance its energy system, thereby releasing the problem.
I’ve found that by addressing a client’s emotional issues, they are able to lead more fulfilling lives, be that in their physical health, relationships, success at work or their mental and emotional wellbeing.
What Happens During The EFT Session?
Prior to your first EFT session, I will ask you to complete a short online form. The purpose of this is to help establish what you would like to work on and what outcomes you are seeking.
At your first session, we will talk about your problem in a little more detail before starting the tapping protocol. Sometimes you will have a clear idea of what you’d like to work through, like a traumatic memory or experience, in which case we will start there. However, in many cases it may at first not be clear what the underlying cause of a problem is, in which case we will start by working through the current issues and symptoms. The beauty of EFT is that as these are resolved one by one, other thoughts, feelings and memories may surface that lead to the underlying cause, which can then be addressed by further tapping.
Once we’ve established the problem or issue we’re working on, I will lead you through the EFT tapping sequence. Typically, we will formulate a set up statement that acknowledges the problem, followed by tapping on the acupressure points while repeating a reminder phrase. I lead you through the whole process, tapping and reciting the words and you simply follow along. As you notice shifts in your feeling or memories around the issue, I will help you fine tune the process to ensure all parts of the problem are released in full.
How Many Sessions Will I Need?
Clients will often experience shifts and releases during the first session, however most issues will have taken some to appear and may also be caused by several other earlier experiences or unhelpful beliefs. I therefore suggest committing to at least three sessions to determine if EFT can help.
What Can EFT Help With?
There is a growing body of evidence that EFT has numerous beneficial effects. These are but a few of the difficulties that clients have responded positively from EFT tapping:
- Negative Emotions, Anxiety and Fear
- Food Cravings
- Implementing Positive Goals
- Cigarette Addiction
- Anger
- Compulsions and Obsessions (OCD)
- Concentration
- Sadness
- Fears and Phobias
- Grief and Loss
- Guilt
- Insomnia
- Jealousy
- Negative Memories
- Nightmares
- Peak Performance
- Self Image
- Shyness
- Traumatic Memories
What’s The Evidence For The Effectiveness of EFT?
Good question!
EFT may seem like a weird process and too simple to work, but there are over 100 peer-reviewed clinical trials on emotional freedom technique. If you’d like to find out more, visit EFT Universe.
In this video, Dr Peta Stapleton explains more about her EFT research:Find Out More – Book a FREE Discovery Call
If you feel there’s something your experiencing that may benefit from EFT, please feel free to contact me for a free, no-obligation discovery call:
Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) is considered an experimental self-help tool and the information on this site is of a general nature. The information herein is not a substitute for counseling or advice of a medical nature. You are strongly encouraged to discuss your use of EFT with your GP/physician. EFT consultations are considered peer-to-peer coaching where the client is whole and resourceful in their own healing. EFT sessions do not represent diagnosing, treating, or preventing any medical or psychological condition.
Areas covered: Penarth | Barry | Llandough | Dinas Powys | Sully | Cardiff Bay | Newport | Bridgend | Llanstrisant | Caerphilly | Cowbridge | South Wales